Tea tells a million stories, and one of them is the impact and ripple effect it has on our lives, ecosystems, and the people whose livelihoods are tied to it. Check out the video to discover the powerful role camellia sinensis plays in empowering people, protecting our planet, and affecting positive changes in our world.
#Dilmah #CeylonTea #FamilyOwned #FamilyBusiness #DilmahFamily #FamilyFirst #MerrillJFernando #TeaWithLove #ServingHumanity #CupOfKindness #EthicalBusiness #Integrity #Tea #EthicalTea #PremiumTea #BetterTea #TeaInspired #GreatTaste #NaturalGoodness #EthicalPurpose #MakingTheWorldABetterTea

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