Sleepmaxxing is definitely #trending. It’s the phenomenon of aligning every possible aspect so as to potentially optimise the amount of sleep one gets. There are some factors that most of us are already familiar with, and there is a science behind each of these. Let’s take a closer look at a few.
Unplugging from screentime. Melatonin is a hormone that is actively involved in regulating sleep by helping the body to wind down and relax. The blue light emitted from screens of electronic devices is known to suppress melatonin production in the body. It is therefore recommended that we unplug from electronic devices about 45-60 minutes prior to going to sleep so as to help prepare both mind and body for better sleep.
Sticking to a routine. Maintaining a routine schedule where you go to sleep and wake up at around the same times every day can help the body to keep its circadian rhythm (the body’s internal clock that regulates sleeping and being awake) in check.
Catching some morning sunshine. Exposure to a bit of sunlight – natural light – in the morning also contributes towards maintaining one’s circadian rhythm by signaling to the mind and body that it’s time to awaken, arise and reset for a new day.
Having a suitable sleep environment. The body sleeps best when the body is comfortable. The ideal temperature for good sleep is believed to be between 15.6oC and 20.0oC. Of course, this could vary based on individual preference. Other factors that contribute towards good sleep ‘hygiene’ include having a silent sleeping space, dim or no lighting, a soft mattress and pillows with frequently changed bed linen, and feeling clean and fresh before getting to bed.
Deep breathing and meditation. Meditation or simple deep breathing can help to relax the mind and body, and create some relief from anxiety and stress. The calming effect thus brought about can help attain better sleep than if the body and mind are tense or stressed.
Being mindful of what you consume before bedtime. We have heard plenty about avoiding caffeine consumption before bedtime. However, did you know that consuming herbal infusions such as chamomile flowers can also help to relax your nervous system by acting as a natural mild sedative? The subsequent reduction of anxiety and induced relaxation can contribute towards giving you a good night’s sleep. And this is where Dilmah steps in.
Dilmah offers a premium selection of 100% natural chamomile flower infusions, available at Dilmah Tea Boutiques in Sri Lanka and at our global shop online.