“The man who does not read good books is no better than the man who can’t.”
– Mark Twain, author –
Sri Lanka prides itself in having a literacy rate of around 95% among the segment of its population that is over ten years of age. However, a high literacy rate can only mean so much if there is little access to constructive reading material that nurtures young minds and keeps older minds agile. Reading and storytelling are essential contributors towards childhood learning, when a child’s mind absorbs every new practice and piece of information that they are exposed to.
Tuk Tuk Library
The COVID-19 pandemic was a bleak phase for children, as much as it was for adults. Schools were closed and children in underprivileged communities had no access to education or reading material. It was during this time that the MJF Charitable Foundation (MJFCF) stepped in with a brilliant idea to address this issue – the Tuk Tuk Library.
Essentially a mobile library on (three) wheels, the Tuk Tuk Library made weekly visits to poverty-stricken areas in the town of Moratuwa, taking books, toys and games for children to engage with and fuel their minds. The whole project was conducted in keeping with health and safety protocols at the time, which meant that it needed much thought and commitment. However, it was totally worth it, for no mask could hide the spark in the eyes of the kids as they rummaged through each week’s offerings and made their picks. For them, it was a joyful splash of colour in a world that had turned monochrome.
In fact, the MJFCF Tuk Tuk Library continues to buzz around today, having expanded its reach to more communities across Sri Lanka, to enrich more and more young minds. In addition, the Tuk Tuk Library also visits elders’ homes where residents eagerly await the newspapers, books and games that are brought for their perusal.

Monthly Book Reading
Over the past few years, the MJFCF has also been carrying out Monthly Book Reading sessions for children over the age of three years at the Moratuwa Community Library. Each month, the team selects a different theme – often celebrating or highlighting a significant event for the month, such as World Oceans Day in June, World Chocolate Day in July, and the likes. The sessions are conducted in a relaxed, child-friendly environment and involve engaging the children in an hour of having stories read to them by a volunteer, interacting during storytelling, and sometimes even learning new skills pertaining to the theme.
The Monthly Book Reading sessions not only help children to expand their vocabulary and use of language, but also helps them in developing the ability to pay attention and stay focused on a particular subject while the reading is going on. The interaction that follows further helps them to develop their power of recollection of details that have been conveyed to them, as well as to augment their sense of creativity, communication skills and social interaction. They are also provided with a safe space to express their thoughts and emotions on the theme being discussed and beyond. All of these are important exercises that contribute significantly towards the childhood learning process.

Wondering How You Can Contribute?
Now that you know what initiatives the MJFCF has taken to enable and encourage reading among kids to enhance childhood learning, here are a couple of ways in which you, too, could contribute:
- You could donate new or pre-used books (in good condition) for the Tuk Tuk Library and/or Monthly Book Reading sessions.
- You could volunteer to read and engage with the kids at one of our Monthly Book Reading sessions.
For more information on how you can be a part of these initiatives, email info@mjffoundation.org or DM @mjffoundation or contact us on +94 77 250 7879.